The Collaborative

The Collaborative:

Not just a name, but a promise.

Matthew Willbur, AIA

Matthew Willbur, AIA

Architect / Associate

A Reg­is­tered Archi­tect, Matt’s pas­sion lies in con­tex­tu­al­ly spe­cif­ic design solu­tions for peo­ple and their com­mu­ni­ties, with a focus on the cul­tur­al impor­tance of archi­tec­ture over time. Hav­ing worked on a vari­ety of typolo­gies across the U.S. and abroad, includ­ing edu­ca­tion, civic, com­mer­cial and man­u­fac­tur­ing, Matt regards design as an ongo­ing process of explo­ration and evo­lu­tion, sup­port­ed by a prac­tice deeply embed­ded in collaboration.

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