The Collaborative

The Collaborative:

Not just a name, but a promise.

Keith Russeau, AIA, LEED AP

Keith Russeau, AIA, LEED AP

Architect / Principal

Kei­th cap­i­tal­izes on more than 20 years’ expe­ri­ence, his pas­sion for sports and his vast knowl­edge of its typo­log­i­cal design require­ments to lead the firm’s ath­let­ic and recre­ation portfolio. 

Kei­th com­bines his love of strate­gic prob­lem-solv­ing and his acute atten­tion to detail to ele­vate projects to the next lev­el. He is pas­sion­ate about work­ing with his clients, team­mates and part­ner­ing orga­ni­za­tions to under­stand design issues, test inno­v­a­tive ideas and orches­trate strate­gic solutions. 

Kei­th also enjoys serv­ing as a coach and men­tor, find­ing it incred­i­bly reward­ing to assist oth­ers in their jour­ney while learn­ing his own new lessons along the way.

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